It was a beautiful morning when I set off to Dave's, and the forecast was to stay the same all day, the mist rested in the valley whilst Pendle Hill stood on tip-toes to look through and the lovely clear sky.
This was one of last years kits going into her very first warren, she was a little daunted by it but performed brilliantly all the same.........
..........with her very first rabbit in the net!
Excuse the photos, my camera has finally given up the ghost, after years of abusing it in the field the LCD screen has stopped working, i'm now using the old fashioned "looking through the viewfinder!"
This set here runs alongside and through the wall, we've had many fabulous catches were the wall was alive with the tip tapping of the rabbits paws
After a few minutes of the ferret not showing its time for a bit of detection.........
..........and then a bit of digging, with a lovely rabbit stuck tight in a stop end
We knew we weren't going to get a huge bag today, but most of the warrens produced one or two healthy rabbits, with the weather as it was, I would have been happy to just being outside!
The tyre tracks give it away, walking is very old fashioned ha ha, also, whilst driving round the fields we find many knew workings and single holers to give the youngsters a bit of a workout
This is a large warren, with a few mid air leapers out the side of the hill, when you see the amount of rocks in the soil, it always amazes me that a rabbit can even dig it!!
Here we can see the workings that just seem to eject from the side of the hill
Another small warren, the large yellow net is a 'poke' net, we used it here as there are three holes that all exit out of one, using purse nets would be messy and a greater chance of tangling.
A lot of holes spread out over a wide area is always best delt with a long net or three, this area includes a collapsed wall that the rabbits usually can't resist.
you can just see Dave at the far end of this warren, it has produced quite a few rabbits here in the past, but today wasn't going to be one of those days
This metal tank has produced a few in the past too, but again, not today.......the buggers were eluding us!
Now this warren on the other hand gave us four cracking rabbits, they were flying straight out of the holes.......
......except for this one that had a ferret firmly chomping on its arse!!
The end of day tally was a respectable ten rabbits, with no losses.....which makes a change!!
And finally, this is a picture of this years kits devouring one of the rabbits we caught today, we are now back up to a full team of workers for the next few years, one of the males here will be vasectomised and used to bring the Jills out of season over the next few years, that should save a pretty penny on getting the females jabbed.